Are you striving for FREEDOM + ABUNDANCE from your business?

What if you found a proven FRAMEWORK that could elevate your business to PEAK VALUE ...

and deliver you LIFE-CHANGING SUCCESS?

Introducing the …

Transition to Freedom Blueprint

We Ask You ...

  • Do you own a construction, engineering or manufacturing business that is (or planned to be) a majority of your personal wealth (outside of your home)?
  • Do you want to grow your business to peak value and one day transition out and reap the rewards of your years of hard work?
  • Finally, do you want to gain the freedom to do what you want, when you want, without any business remorse, financial restrictions, or personal regrets?

To meet these challenges, the big question is ... Where are You NOW?

Are you ...

  • The VICTORIOUS Owner: you are in the minority 5% of owners who are “living the dream” with a business that delivers prodigious returns with little effort.  You know the business can be sold anytime for top market value, and you enjoy a life full of contentment and happiness. You have achieved life-changing business success!
  • The PROFICIENT Owner: your optimistic about your business as it runs OK with good profits, but you still need to improve the efficiency of the business so you have more time for interests outside your work life.
  • The AVERAGE Owner: without you there are minimal to no profits, and even then it can be a struggle to get there. You feel like you are on a never-ending treadmill with a business that keeps popping up with issues to fix. You hope the substantial demand of your time and energy will one day improve.
  • The FLOUNDERING Owner: the business is an unrelenting burden that provides little to no reward.  You are at your wits end, and you are pessimistic that your business will ever achieve your dream outcomes.

Life-changing Business Success is within your reach!

When a business owner reaches the summit of the Victorious zone, they arrive at three key outcomes – and ALL THREE can be achieved by following a proven master planning process that uses a powerful framework called the Transition to Freedom Blueprint. 

  • Discover FREEDOM: where you have the time to immerse yourself in the passions that ignite your spirit, while your business flourishes and prospers seamlessly in the background.
  • Create ABUNDANCE: where you unlock significant growth and prosperity from your enterprise, empowering you to forge a lasting legacy aligned with your personal aspirations.
  • Develop SURETY:  where you embrace a future of confidence and peace, secure in the knowledge that the risks and challenges in your enterprise have been masterfully managed, paving the way for life-changing business success.

Embedding these three “Victorious” outcomes into your life will resolve three critical questions:

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How can I overcome the demands of my business and get into the Victorious zone, where my enterprise becomes an effortless endeavour for me to operate?

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How can I get into the Victorious zone, where my business and financial assets will deliver prodigious returns to me and my family?

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How can I find peace of mind (like the minority 5% of business owners who have reached the Victorious zone) by overcoming the risks and issues that impede owners from achieving life-changing business success?

So how can YOU join the 5% of Owners who reach the VICTORIOUS Zone?

If you want to reach the Victorious Zone and start “living the dream”, the question is … how do I get there? 

The answer, or “secret sauce,” to reaching the Victorious Zone is easy: leverage the Transition to Freedom Blueprint framework by undertaking the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program with Greg Boyer to create and execute your very own “master planning journey.”

To get you on the way to your life-changing business success, the next step is to book a Discovery Call with Greg, the Founder of the Transition to Freedom Blueprint framework and program. He will then send you more information about the program and answer any questions you have.

Who is the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program for?

The Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program has been developed for construction, engineering and manufacturing business owners using the Transition to Freedom Blueprint framework as its foundation.

With over 30 years of experience and qualifications in these industries, we know what problems and issues you might face daily.

And most importantly, we know how to fix these issues and overcome the risks all owners face in making their business attractive and valuable to the market. 

By following the Transition to Freedom Blueprint framework, you can achieve freedom, abundance, and surety from your enterprise and achieve the ultimate goal … life-changing business success!

After implementing your Transition to Freedom Blueprint, you will experience ...

  • A profound shift in the way you manage your business and your life.
  • Better quality use of your time.
  •  A feeling of more control over your destiny with a clear runway to success.
  • Enhanced capability across the business to optimise performance and increase value (and your net wealth).
  • Deep alignment across your business, financial and personal goals.
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Benefits from implementing "blueprint" outcomes include ...

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  • Increasing Your Business Value: Enhancing financial success and personal net worth.
  • A Transformation to an Attractive and Transferable Business: Making the business appealing and valuable to potential acquirers or investors.
  • Finding Flexibility in Work Location and Hours: The ability to work whenever and wherever you desire.
  • Discovering Freedom and Happiness with More Time for Life: More quality time for family and personal interests leading to a happier life.
  • Creating Contentment with the Present, and Excitement for the Future: You should develop a positive outlook on both your current achievements and future prospects.
  • Achieving Your Dream Life-Changing Business Success: Realising your business, financial, and personal aspirations.

Your health and wealth is at stake

Don’t risk ending up in the 95% of business owners who can’t sell their business or don’t get the successful result they desire.   Find out more about how the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program can make you healthy, wealthy, and happy by booking a chat with Greg.

As the saying goes … “It’s better to do something important when you think it’s “too soon” than to find out you’re too late …”

What others say about the program ...

Master planning gives your business direction, and it is wise to start master planning early because it sets the strategy and tone for exactly what you want out of your business and your life.

Our Transition to Freedom Blueprint (master plan) has created a pathway and a strategy for improving and making our business more attractive and valuable, as well as giving us a better understanding of where we sit from a business, personal, and financial point of view.

We’ve really enjoyed the process and recommend the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program with Greg any day of the week.

Raj & Kelly Midha

Owners - Goals A&N

Working with Greg in the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program and creating my master plan has set things straight for me and my business.

I've now got a clear picture of where I'm heading, aligning the business direction with my personal and financial goals.

The Transition to Freedom Blueprint (master plan) that’s been created has laid out my dreams, strategies, and actions just how I needed them – it’s simple, makes sense, and gives me a more confident feeling about the future.

Ryan Young

Owner - Raw Worx

I tell people I've done this program by coming across this guy via LinkedIn ... and that's not something I would typically do. But something about your character appealed to me, and I'm now delighted I've done the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program with you, Greg. I've now even recommended your program to colleagues and friends.

Your patience and advice in the program were excellent, and your willingness to help was fantastic. You're an easy person to turn to and ask for advice.

The program has now given me a better understanding of how to improve my business's performance and value whilst delivering better solutions for my work-life balance. I'm very excited about the future ahead.

Chris Swane

Partner - Bennett & Bennett

The "Mechanics" of the Program

The Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program is a structured online and live one-to-one consultancy and facilitation process with Greg Boyer, designed to unpack and deliver a bespoke value enhancement and master planning solution for you and your enterprise.  

By the end of the 8-week program, you will have:-

* outlined life-changing business success by crystallising your business, financial, and personal aspirations; 

* formulated strategies and plans to address any gaps hindering you from achieving this success;

* received a customised “master plan/blueprint” (called the Transition to Freedom Blueprint) outlining the necessary actions to deliver this life-changing business success.

The Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program follows a “Done With You” approach, providing up-close and comprehensive guidance throughout the process.

For you, it is a Risk-Free Participation with a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee: You will have security and confidence in the program’s effectiveness without financial risk.

We will provide you more details of the program after you book a call with Greg.

I'm in the "5% Club" (Greg's journey)

From a mechanical engineer, project manager, small business owner, and business director, I’ve had a fulfilling career.

After being involved in listing a business I part-owned on the Australian Stock Exchange for a value of $500 million and project managing $2 billion worth of engineering, property, and infrastructure projects, I had bigger plans in place.

Part of the plan was to leave the all-consuming intensity of the corporate world and follow my dreams.

My business dream was to help other business owners by leveraging my unique experience and knowledge of joining the “5% Club” so they can join the minority 5% who have reached the “Victorious” zone.

Greg Boyer surfside 3942
completed projects
$ 0 billion
business ownership experience
0 yrs +
to my bass fishing lake
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Now I have the time to enjoy some bass fishing on my lake

The Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program was created to channel my 30+ years of business ownership, experience, and knowledge to help business owners turn their future dreams into reality.

The program’s teachings and outcomes align with the Transition to Freedom Blueprint framework, which in turn is based on best practice adopted by the world-renowned and leading authority on master planning, the Exit Planning Institute in the USA.

I now find it fulfilling and exciting to help business owners with their own master planning journey, especially when that journey enhances their enterprise value and optimises their freedom and enjoyment of life.

Greg Boyer‍

CPEng, MBA, Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA)

Creator – Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program

Will You Take ACTION ... or DRIFT?

Want to make wealth & freedom your reality?

Discover how the Transition to Freedom Blueprint Program 

can create life-changing business success for YOU.